June 29, 2022

Protecting Work Privacy – What You Need to Know

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Giving up personal information is inevitable with all the work we do online. Today, most people are aware that their online activity is being tracked by various advertisers and search engines.

As a result, there are concerns about internet security and privacy at work. To avoid a social media blunder, it is important for business owners to use the Internet wisely. It is also vital for businesses to protect sensitive customer information to avoid fines and sanctions, as well as maintain customer trust. 

Here are a few ways to ensure you’re protecting your online privacy at work.

Proactive Action

You should familiarize yourself with your employer’s computer usage and content policies, as most organizations have data security and data protection procedures. Ultimately, knowing what kind of rules are set in place to keep your employees safe online while you use the web at work is essential. In some cases, employers will offer courses or third-party options like Ninjio that will train and keep employees up-to-date on cybersecurity practices.

Know What’s Tracked

When using your work’s equipment, you need to be aware of what your job considers personal and private. Email, instant messaging, and anonymous posting can still be tracked and intercepted. Be careful when using these services because the last thing any employee wants is a compromised account that could be used maliciously against their employer.

Professional Presentation

In written communication, use a professional tone and avoid language that can be construed as obscene, menacing, or defamatory. Every person has their own way of communicating, so make sure the people around you are comfortable with the information you provide.

Phishing Concerns 

You should be aware of online tracking from outside sources. Most popular web browsers are set up to track your online activities. It is not always easy to turn off tracking, however.

Some Defense is Better Than No Defense 

Downloading extra software to your machine that will block advertisers and social networks from tracking your web activity is a way to enhance your internet privacy. There are newer, more nimble search engines available, such as DuckDuckGo, that won’t track or sell your internet activity, block trackers from marketers and social media, and offer built-in encrypted connections. DuckDuckGo also offers a Google Chrome extension so you can easily manage which websites track your information.

Manage Your Passwords

Strong passwords are your first line of defense against hackers. With so many online accounts requiring passwords, it’s no wonder that people choose easy-to-remember or a single password for multiple logins. We do not recommend this tactic. 

Luckily, most modern operating systems like MacOS and Windows offer built-in password generation and record keeping. You can also go one step further and use a password management software like 1Password to help keep all your passwords and passphrases safe, secure, and organized. If a website or account has the option, enabling Two-Factor Authentication is another smart tactic to keep your accounts protected from unwanted infiltration. 

With the Internet such a prevalent part of our work and personal lives, it’s wise to take steps to avoid any blunders. When it comes to sensitive information, consumers and companies must be ever-vigilant about cybersecurity. For more information about how Pacific Office Automation can help your business with data security, contact us today.

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